Tarantula Friendly Online Resource


Handling Tarantulas

Unlike a dog or a cat, spiders in general, do not like to be handled. They do not care about being caressed with your fingers nor will they reciprocate affectionate feelings. So in general,...


Feeding Tarantulas

One of the best thing about having a tarantula as a pet is that they are the least finicky eaters, feeding tarantulas is fairly straight forward. Even in captivity, they are relatively easy to...

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Tarantula Enclosure

As with any pet, and more so with a tarantula, you need to have created a permanent accommodation before you bring this arachnid home. You not only have to make something more secure but...


Tarantula Reproductive Cycle

Tarantula Reproduction Arachnids, spiders in general differ in their mating techniques with mammals’ life primates and humans. Once a male tarantula reaches a reproduction maturity, they seek out the females and this can seem...


Tarantula Life Cycle

The life cycle of the tarantula begins as eggs hatched by the female. The embryo hatches into the postembryo instar while inside the eggsac here, it is capable of moving its appendages but it...